Aaaaand we can finally stop calling the fourth book Throne of Glass 4 and start calling it:
Note: you can already pre-order Queen of Shadows on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, Books-A-Million, and Book Depository
Here's Sarah's explanation of the name:
Honestly, I wish I had some super-cool or epic explanation for how we came up with the title, but... it came to me as I was drafting the novel & then just...stuck. Like, to the point where I couldn't imagine calling it anything else. So Queen of Shadows it was!
It's difficult to explain the full meaning of the title without spoiling the book, BUT let's just say that it (naturally) applies Aelin (AKA the assassin formerly known as Celaena) as she at last returns to Rifthold (capital city of Adarlan) to confront her past & fight for her future. Vengeance, violence, attitude problems & big egos, hot dudes, pretty clothes... You know, the usual.
AND the title also applies several other characters in the book. Like Manon, who is now down in Morath, which is a preeetty shady (har har har) place. Annnnd mentioning any of the other lovely ladies who show up feels kinda spoiler-y, but if you follow my TOG Pinterest board, you probs have a good idea of who might show up in this book (old faces, new ones...more pretty clothes & mayhem).
Right now, I'm in the middle of doing line edits for the book, and already counting down the days/months until you guys can finally read it (it will be on September 1st--worldwide)! I had such a blast writing this book (and miiiiight have cried 1000000 tears, but...I think that might be normal when working on this series), and it honestly might be my favorite yet, especially since so many of the moments in this book were ones I've been dying to write for YEARS!
What are you guys looking forward to the most in Queen of Shadows?