I know how hard it can be reading without knowing the pronunciations. It's like looking at a painting without seeing the colours, like hearing music muffled by a wall. So frustratingly near perfect, but not quite.
With that said, say good-bye to those mis-pronounced names, because we've got their pronunciations lined up just for you!
Celaena Sardothien: Sell-lay-nah Sar-doth (like "cloth") -ee-en
Chaol Westfall: Kay-all West-fall
Dorian Havilliard: Door-ee-en Have-ill-yard
Nehemia Ytger: Neh-heem-ee-ah Yet-gerre (like "Garrison")
Kaltain Rompier: Cal (like "Calcium")-tane Rom-pee-ay
Arobynn Hamel: Arrow-behn Heh-mel
Elentiya: Elle-len-tee-yah
Eylle: Eel-way
Erilea: Err-rel-yah
Terrasen: terra-sen
Adarlan: Ah-dar-len
Endovier: En-do (like "dough") -vee-er
Orynth: Or-rinth
Anielle: Annie-elle
Melisande: Mell-iss-sand
Wendlyn: Wend-lin
Wyrd: Word
Wyrdmarks: Word-marks
If you have any other inquiries about pronunciation, you can leave a comment and I'll try to get back to you!
(source: Sarah J. Maas' blog)