Dream Cast: Throne of Glass (The Big Three)

There are no confirmed announcements from Sarah J. Maas of movie rights being sold, but with the growing popularity and fan base of this fantastic series, it wouldn't be a big leap if it did get pegged for a movie sometime in the future.

In the meantime, let's get our sights set on some potential castings… We will, however, only be discussing Celaena, Chaol & Dorian (or the Big Three as I like to call them) in this post, the other minor characters will be posted next time (preferably after Heir of Fire is released).

DISCLAIMER: These castings are not official, I've gathered the cast from opinions of fans all over the internet (including my own) and will be credited accordingly.


Drew Roy

He definitely has the potential, unfortunately (in my opinion), he seems to be missing the Dorian's regal air, but, [taps chin] I guess he can act his way through that, he's got a promising acting career anyway.

Brenton Thwaites 

How do I say this kindly… NO.

Once upon a time, I used to cast Brenton Thwaites for everything and then I watched his movies… [snap] just like that, off he goes, out of my casting lists.

Joshua Anthony Brand

DEAR LORD, here we go again.
This guy is in every casting list with a dark-haired male like; 

  • Augustus Waters (The Fault in our Stars by John Green)
  • William Herondale (The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare)
  • Four (Divergent by Veronica Roth)
  • and many, many MANY MORE. 

Joshua Anthony Brand legitimately looks like a prince and seems like a genuinely nice person but; He. Is. Not. An. Actor! (!!!!!!) He's a model, a model, which means, though yes he looks like the character, NO he cannot and will not be cast because his career lies in MODELLING not ACTING! (though I do admit, he looks delicious in that photo).

Besides, this is how he really looks like:

and this


Jeremy Irvine

Jeremy Irvine was introduced to me as a cast idea for Dorian Havilliard and well, frankly, I don't see it. Don't get me wrong, he's panty-dropping-sexy but you know who he resembles more? Chaol Westfall. He has a certain ruggedness that isn't present in Dorian but is definitely seen in Chaol.

Keegan Allen

Cast Idea: Mine / Picture Credit

It is awfully difficult thinking of a cast for Chaol because he's such a … out-of-the-box character! He's not your typical dark haired, gorgeous male with a killer bod, and I love that about him (even if it makes it impossible thinking of a cast).

Keegan Allen seems like a possible choice though I would't bet my money on it.


Claire Holt

Claire's definitely got the tough-chick vibe, what with her vampire roles and bad-ass persona, I'd cast her as Celaena any day!

Amanda Seyfried

Now, I've got nothing against Amanda Seyfried, but I can't see her portraying the role. She's a little bit too popular, if you know what I mean. Amanda's basically iconic in the film industry, what with her role in Mean Girls, Dear John, Les Miserables, and much, much more. I'd like a fresh face (or as fresh as we can get) playing Celaena. (fingers crossed!)

I'd still be ecstatic to have Amanda in the cast, though!

Tabrett Bethell

Cast Idea: mine / Picture Credit

Now this girl, I'm rooting for! She's got Celaena written all over her and she's not too famous or under experienced to take on the role! Fresh face, accurate looks, awesome acting skills! Geez, what more can I ask for?

Here's a movie poster of Tabrett from Legend of the Seeker:

That concludes our dream cast for the big three!

Do you guys have any suggestions for castings? (ESPECIALLY FOR CHAOL!!) Leave your thoughts and cast ideas for not only the big three but other minor characters as well, because as I mentioned, we'll be posting a cast list for them pretty soon too!