Have you ever wondered how the map in Throne of Glass came to be? Yeah, no? Well I haven't. When I saw Erilea's map in the book, I waved it off as one of those extras that authors or publishers deem necessary to add in a book.
But no! It actually has a story, and an interesting one at that.
How the Erilea Map came to be (from Sarah's livejournal):
Stick-figure sketches from me. yay!
"So, several years ago (god, I don’t even know how many, but it feels like ages ago, perhaps before I was even published), I was approached by a long-time fan about making a map for THRONE OF GLASS.
Flash forward a few years—to this past winter/spring, actually. I got an email from Bloomsbury, asking if I had a map (however vague/awful it might be) of the world of THRONE OF GLASS that they could send to a map designer/artist (they were in the process of looking for one).
So, I sent them the map that Kelly had drawn.
Anddd I basically told them that if it were possible to hire Kelly, then having a FictionPress fan design the map for THRONE OF GLASS would be the coolest thing EVER."
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