Tour Stops: Heir of Fire

We're happy to announce that Ms. Maas recently released her tour stops for Heir of Fire! But before ya'll freak out, she'll only be touring the US (lucky americans). I know I know, I'm sad too.

I'm holding back the tears, I'm holding it---

[heavy sigh] I guess we'll all just have to wait for Sarah to get her New York Times Bestselling butt on an international flight.

Without further ado, here are her tour stops (for all you lucky americans!):

Tuesday, September 2: New York, NY
Books of Wonder, 6:00pm
*with Alexandra Bracken and Susan Dennard

Wednesday, September 3: Haverford, PA
Children's Book World, 7:00pm
*with Tiffany Schmidt, Susan Dennard and Elizabeth Norris

Thursday, September 4: Bethesda, MD
Bethesda Public Library, 7:00pm
*with Leah Cypess and Jodi Meadows

Friday, September 5: Wellesley, MA
Wellesley Books, 7:00pm
*with A.C. Gaughen

Saturday, September 6: Waitham, MA
COSTCO, 11:00am - 1:00pm
*signing only, membership required

Saturday, September 6: Amherst, MA
The Jones Library, 4:00pm
*with Alexandra Bracken and Dawn Metcalf

Sunday, September 7: Naperville, IL
Anderson's Bookshop
*with Susan Dennard and Erica O'Rouke

Monday, September 8: Lansing, MI
Schüler Books & Music, 7:00pm
*with Susan Dennard

Tuesday, September 9: Crestview Hills, KY
Joseph-Beth, 7:00pm
*with Emery Lord

Wednesday, September 10: Lake Forest Park, WA
Third Place Books, 7:00pm
*with Marissa Meyer and Mandy Hubbard

Thursday, September 11: Beaverton, OR
Powell's books, 7:00pm

Friday, September 12: Menlo Park, CA
Kepler's Books, 7:00pm
*with Veronica Rossi

If ever any of you do go, make sure to send us lots and lots of photos to be featured on our site (yes, this one), and make the rest of us (who couldn't go) very jealous! No kidding, email me those photos! 

Email: throne glass (at) gmail (dot) com /
or tag us, mention us or whatever, just make sure we see it!